Juin 2023

Satellite view of Qeshm Island, Iran

The mangrove forests of Qeshm

A dazzling view of Qeshm island from space. Nestled in the Strait of Hormuz, the largest island in the Persian Gulf is home to unique and diverse ecosystems, especially in its mangrove area pictured here. The Hara forests of Qeshm is part of Unesco’s Global Geo Parks and Man and Biosphere programs. “Hara” is the local name of the dominant tree species populating the mangrove, the Avicennia marina, covering an area of about 20 sq. km.

Qeshm mangrove’s unique biodiversity

The mangroves play a crucial role in supporting the local ecosystem. They provide habitat and breeding grounds for various marine species, including fish, crabs, and mollusks. The mangrove ecosystem is a vital nursery for many commercially important species and plays a significant role in the island’s fisheries.

A protected environment

Local and national authorities, in collaboration with international organizations, have undertaken various conservation efforts to protect the mangrove ecosystems on Qeshm Island. These efforts include monitoring, reforestation, and raising awareness about the ecological importance of the area.

Made on Nimbo Earth Online with Copernicus Sentinel data (2023)
