Athens bay seen from space

Online Basemaps

Discover Nimbo's GIS-ready satellite maps. Worldwide, cloud-free, updated every month. Create your Nimbo account to retrieve any month available.

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The basemaps you need, worldwide, every month

There are a lot of basemaps available from different satellite imagery sources, but Nimbo’s stand out by combining three main strengths: they’re cloud-clear, updated every month and consistent all over the world. Game changer and time saver to prepare your GIS projects.

Peru farmland seen from space Satellite map of farming land in Peru


The world in layers, GIS-ready

Nimbo leverages Sentinel’s passive and active sensors

to produce synthetic satellite views in five color layers worldwide, every month

Color data layer basemap rgb


Natural colors

Color data layer basemap infrared


Near Infrared

Color data layer basemap NDVI, vegetation health

Vegetation index (NDVI)

Vegetation health index

Satellite view with LAI basemap

Leaf Area Index (LAI)

Vegetation density (Paid plan only)

Color data layer basemap SAR radar


Band-C VV-VH index

3D view for altimetry data


Digital Elevation Model

Access all Nimbo Basemaps

Try Nimbo for free, view our professional plans for extensive GIS use !

GIS Software compatibility

Nimbo’s basemaps are designed for smooth integration in GIS platforms. Use our exclusive QGIS plugin to connect and upload any Nimbo basemap into your software.

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Forget the space data bottleneck

Ready to save time on your GIS projects

through single or multi-user Nimbo access ?


Get in touch with our sales team !

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