Earth Online: non-stop satellite monitoring platform
A free web platform to explore satellite
images of the Earth without clouds, updated every month

See how the world changes
Explore land evolutions with Split and Swipe.
Anywhere in the world, on a monthly basis.

Free to use,
no ads
Updated every

Reveal the full potential of satellite imagery
4 synthetic layers updated every month created in-house from Sentinel 1 and Sentinel 2 satellite images

Natural Colors


Vegetation index (NDVI)


Get live vegetation analytics
User-friendly NDVI measure and monitoring feature to asses vegetation health on-the-fly. Generate your graph over the desired point or area and period, and export your data.

Evolutive 3D satellite maps
Toggle to 3D to watch land changes as they happen on the ground, anywhere on Earth

How can I create a Nimbo account ?
In order to create your Nimbo account, just head to our Earth Online platform, fill in the short subcription form, confirm your e-mail, then log in. Voilà !
Can I get free satellite images on Earth Online ?
Earth Online lets you access all our monthly mosaics since October 2019 through our webplatform, for free. For everyone… Read more
Can I compare before and after satellite images on Nimbo ?
Comparing before and after satellite images can prove hard to achieve for non specialists. Nimbo Earth Online makes it a child’s play…. Read more
What is infrared satellite imagery ?
Nimbo Earth Online provides an infrared view of the whole world’s landmass, updated every month: a different perspective to watch land evolutions… Read more
What is NDVI and what does it tell ?
Among satellite data used for vegetation monitoring, NDVI is perhaps the most common. This vegetation index proves essential in many fields… Read more