Earth Basemaps
GIS-ready satellite maps. Worldwide, cloud-free, updated every month. Create your Nimbo account to retrieve any month available.
Your EO data time saver
Forget satellite data issues with Nimbo’s basemaps: instant-acccess worldwide, cloud-free, updated every month

Keeping track of global change
New 10-m resolution basemaps coming out every month to closely monitor land evolutions all over the world

Multi-spectral data for experts
Nimbo leverages Sentinel’s passive and active sensors
to produce synthetic satellite views in five color layers worldwide, every month

Natural colors

Near Infrared

Vegetation index (NDVI)
Vegetation health index

Leaf Area Index (LAI)
Vegetation density (Paid plan only)

Band-C VV-VH index

Digital Elevation Model
Analysis-ready basemaps, worldwide
At once homogenous, seamless and continuous, Nimbo’s Earth basemaps have been designed for machine learning algorithm implementation, monitoring tasks and training models based on time series.

GIS Software compatibility
Nimbo’s basemaps are designed for smooth integration in GIS platforms. Use our exclusive QGIS plugin to connect and upload any Nimbo basemap into your software.

Make the most of Nimbo’s Basemaps
Want to integrate Nimbo’s Earth Basemaps in your visualization platforms or other geospatial-related project ? We’ll be happy to discuss it with you !
What are Earth Basemaps’ satellite mosaics ?
The idea behind Earth Basemaps is to provide a way to explore satellite imagery in a clear, dynamic and user-friendly fashion. Here’s all you need to know about Nimbo’s satellite mosaics…. Read more
Global DEM: how do I get elevation data with Nimbo ?
Need elevation data ? Here’s all you need to know about Nimbo’s Global DEM data and its integration into your website or GIS software. Read more
Can I use Nimbo’s Earth Basemaps for free ?
Nimbo delivers new basemaps of the Earth without clouds every month. They can be used for free, with only a few limitations. Let’s take a look… Read more
Sentinel for QGIS : how to get recent basemaps ?
In need of recent satellite images for your QGIS project ? Here’s how to load up-to-date Sentinel imagery, worldwide, in a few clicks. Read more